Throughout The Constitution

Repeated Concerns and Issues

Conforming to the Model Constitution

Make sure all required provisions (those with *asterisks*) match the Model exactly.

Resolve all blanks, brackets, and ORs

Throughout the Model Constitution, there are a variety of blanks. These all need to be filled in.

There also [brackets] indicating options. No brackets should remain in the official document. Either remove the brackets themselves to include the option or remove the brackets and their contents to exclude the option.

Select one and only one of the options among the various ORs. These options are mutually exclusive.

Continuing Resolutions?

Congregations may choose to have or not to have continuing resolutions. Outside of *C9.05 and *C9.25 (which may be accidental), all references to continuing resolutions are in [brackets]. Decide if the congregation is going to have continuing resolutions or not.

Powers of the Congregation and Persons or Organizations in the Congregation

The Model Constitution comes with a preset list of powers of the congregation, but this list isn't necessarily complete. The Model also contains powers of the congregation council, as well as specifies the roles of various committees. Plus there are the powers of the various rostered ministers, lists that are not necessarily complete as well. Which body rightfully has what powers? For every activity of the congregation, from audit to budget to buying real or personal property, determine where the power for those actions lay and what restrictions there might be on such powers.

Pastors and Deacons

If the congregation only has one pastor, remove all brackets containing [senior].

If the congregation has multiple pastors or deacons, it must make sure the constitution accurately describes the responsibilities and requirements of those offices. Search your constitution for every instance of those words. Make sure the language used throughout accurately reflects the congregations desires. Does each instance of "pastor" or "deacon" apply to all pastors/deacons, only the senior pastor or head deacon, or some other combination?

If the number of pastors or deacons changes, the whole constitution may need to be revised accordingly.

Unique Language

The congregation may have unique language for many terms. Members may be known as disciples. The Congregation Council may be known as the Big Fun Board. Who knows?

Terms like those above, unfortunately, are used in required provisions. It would break the constitution to change those terms elsewhere. Instead, make continuing resolutions saying, "x is also referred to / known as y".