For many congregations, the Model Constitution will meet their needs as is. But for other
congregations, the current layout may feel cumbersome and restrictive. Offered here is a layout that
potentially organizes the chapter better.
The main purpose of this reorganization is to give congregations space to add constitutional provisions
describing each regular
meeting. Refer to the suggested provisions for Chapter 10 to
understand what these provisions may contain.
Note: Unless otherwise noted at the end, all provisions are
EXACTLY as found in the Model; they are simply organized differently.
- C10.01.
- Notice of all meetings of this congregation shall be given at the services
of worship on the preceding two consecutive Sundays and by mail or
electronic means, as permitted by state law, to all [voting] members at
least 10 days in advance of the date of the meeting.
- C10.02.
- This congregation may hold meetings by remote communication, including
electronically and by telephone conference, as long as there is an opportunity for simultaneous aural
communication or its equivalent. To the extent permitted by state law, notice of all meetings may be
provided electronically.
- C10.03.
- ______ percent of the voting members shall constitute a quorum.
- C10.04.
- Voting by proxy or by absentee ballot shall not be permitted.
- C10.05.
- All actions approved by this congregation shall be by majority vote of
those voting members present and voting, except as otherwise provided in
this constitution or by state law.
- C10.06.
- Robert’s Rules of Order, latest edition, shall govern parliamentary
procedure of all meetings of this congregation.
- C10.07.
- “Ex officio” as used herein means membership with full rights of voice
and vote unless otherwise expressly limited.
- C10.10.
- C10.11.
- This congregation shall have at least one regular meeting per year. The regular
of the congregation shall be held at the time(s) specified in the bylaws. Consistent with the
laws of the State of ______, the bylaws shall designate one regular meeting per year as the
annual meeting of this congregation.
- C10.20.
- C10.21.
- A special Congregation Meeting may be called by the [senior] pastor, the
Council, or the president of this congregation, and shall be called by the president of this
congregation upon the written request of [number][percent] of the voting members.
The president of the Congregation Council shall call a special meeting upon request of the
synod bishop.
Reorganization Map
Proposed |
Model |
C10.01. |
C10.03. |
C10.02. |
C10.08. |
C10.03. |
C10.04. |
C10.04. |
C10.05. |
C10.05. |
C10.06. |
C10.06. |
C10.07. |
C10.10. |
Does not exist |
C10.11. |
C10.01. |
C10.20. |
Does not exist |
C10.21. |
C10.02. |