For many congregations, the Model Constitution will meet their needs as is. But for other
congregations, the current layout may feel cumbersome and restrictive. Offered here is a layout that
potentially organizes the chapter better.
The main purpose of this reorganization is to group the resolutions so that it is easier to find provisions.
It was partially inspired by the ELCA Constitution, Chapter 14. Church Council.
Note: Unless otherwise noted at the end, all provisions are
EXACTLY as found in the Model; they are simply organized differently.
Basic Option
- C12.10.
- C12.11.
- The Congregation Council shall be the board of [trustees] [directors] of this
congregation. It shall have the powers and be subject to
the obligations that pertain to such boards under the laws of the State of ______, except as
otherwise provided herein.
- C12.12.
- The Congregation Council shall have general oversight of the life and
activities of this congregation, and in particular its worship life, to the end that everything be done
in accordance with the Word of God and the faith and practice of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America. The duties of the Congregation Council shall include the following:
- a.
- To lead this congregation in stating its mission, to do long-range planning, to set goals and
priorities, and to evaluate its activities in light of its mission and goals.
- b.
- To seek to involve all members of this congregation in worship, learning, witness, service, and
- c.
- To oversee and provide for the administration of this congregation to enable it to fulfill its
functions and perform its mission.
- d.
- To maintain supportive relationships with the rostered minister(s) and staff and help them
annually to evaluate the fulfillment of their calling or employment.
- e.
- To be examples individually and corporately of the style of life and ministry expected of all
baptized persons.
- f.
- To promote a congregational climate of peace and goodwill and, as differences and conflicts
arise, to endeavor to foster mutual understanding.
- g.
- To arrange for pastoral service during the sickness or absence of the pastor.
- h.
- To emphasize support of the synod and churchwide organization of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America as well as cooperation with other congregations, both Lutheran and
non-Lutheran, subject to established policies of the synod and the Evangelical Lutheran Church
in America.
- i.
- To recommend and encourage the use of program resources produced or approved by the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America.
- j.
- To seek out and encourage qualified persons to prepare for the ministry of the Gospel.
- C12.13.
- The Congregation Council shall be responsible for the financial and property
matters of this congregation.
- a.
- The Congregation Council shall be responsible for maintaining and protecting
this congregation's property and managing this congregation's business and fiscal affairs.
- b.
- Congregation Council shall not have the authority to buy, sell, or encumber real property
unless specifically authorized to do so by a meeting of this congregation.
- c.
- The Congregation Council may enter into contracts of up to $______ for items not included in
the budget.
- d.
- The Congregation Council shall prepare an annual budget for adoption by this congregation, shall
supervise the expenditure of funds in accordance therewith following its adoption, and may incur
obligations of more than $______ in excess of the anticipated receipts only after approval
by a Congregation Meeting. The budget shall include this congregation’s full indicated share in
support of the wider ministry being carried on in collaboration with the synod and churchwide
- e.
- The Congregation Council shall ascertain that the financial affairs of this congregation are
being conducted efficiently, giving particular attention to the prompt payment of all
obligations and to the regular forwarding of mission support monies to the synod.
- f.
- The Congregation Council shall be responsible for this congregation’s investments and its total
insurance program.
- C12.14.
- The Congregation Council shall see that the provisions of this constitution[,]
[and] its bylaws[,][and the continuing resolutions] are carried out.
- C12.15.
- The Congregation Council shall provide for an annual review of the membership
- C12.16.
- The Congregation Council shall be responsible for the employment and
supervision of the staff of this congregation. Nothing in this provision shall be deemed to affect this
congregation’s responsibility for the call, terms of call, or termination of call of any employees who
are on a roster of this church.
- C12.17.
- The Congregation Council shall submit a comprehensive report to this
congregation at the annual meeting.
- C12.20.
- C12.21.
- The voting membership of the Congregation Council shall consist of the
pastor(s)[, the deacon(s),][the officers of this congregation,] and [______ members] [not more than
______ nor fewer than
______ members] of
this congregation, at least one of whom shall be a youth and at least one of whom shall be a young
Any voting member of this congregation may be elected, subject only to the limitation on the length of
continuous service permitted in that office.
- C12.22.
- The members of the Congregation Council except the pastor(s) [and deacon(s)]
shall be elected
by written ballot to serve for ______ years or until their successors are elected. Such members shall be
eligible to serve no more than two full terms consecutively. Their terms shall begin at the close of the
annual meeting at which they are elected.
- OR
- The members of the Congregation Council except the pastor(s) [and deacon(s)]
shall be elected
at a legally called meeting of this congregation during the month of ______. Their term of office shall
be for
______ years, with the term of office beginning on ______ (month and day) and ending on ______ (month
and day). Newly elected
Congregation Council members shall be installed at worship at a time appointed by the Congregation
- C12.23.
- A member’s place on the Congregation Council shall be declared vacant if the
member a) ceases to be a voting member of this congregation or b) is absent from four successive regular
meetings of the Congregation Council without cause. Consistent with the laws of the state in which this
congregation is incorporated, this congregation may adopt procedures for the removal of a member of the
Congregation Council in other circumstances.
- C12.24.
- Should a member’s place on the Congregation Council be declared vacant, the
Congregation Council shall elect, by majority vote, a successor until the next annual meeting.
- C12.30.
- C12.31.
- The Congregation Council shall normally meet once a month. Special meetings may
be called by the pastor or the president, and shall be called by the president at the request of at
least one-half of its members. Notice of each special meeting shall be given to all who are entitled to
be present.
- C12.32.
- A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of a majority of the
members of the Congregation Council, including the [senior] pastor or interim pastor, except when the
[senior] pastor or interim pastor requests or consents to be absent and has given prior approval to the
agenda for a particular regular or special meeting, which shall be the only business considered at that
meeting. Chronic or repeated absence of the [senior] pastor or interim pastor who has refused approval
of the agenda of a subsequent regular or special meeting shall not preclude action by the Congregation
Council, following consultation with the synod bishop.
- C12.33.
- The Congregation Council and its committees may hold meetings by remote
communication, including electronically and by telephone conference, as long as there is an opportunity
for simultaneous aural communication or its equivalent. To the extent permitted by state law, notice of
all meetings may be provided electronically.
Reorganization Map
Proposed |
Model |
C12.10. |
Does not exist |
C12.11. |
C12.05.a. (parts) |
C12.12. |
C12.04. |
C12.13. |
C12.05. (part a. trimmed and modified) |
C12.14. |
C12.06. |
C12.15. |
C12.07. |
C12.16. |
C12.08. |
C12.17. |
C12.09. |
C12.20. |
Does not exist |
C12.21. |
C12.01. (first half) |
C12.22. |
C12.02. |
C12.23. |
C12.01. (second half) |
C12.24. |
C12.03. |
C12.30. |
Does not exist |
C12.31. |
C12.11. |
C12.32. |
C12.12. |
C12.33. |
C12.13. |
Duties as Bylaws
Note: This is the proper way to do things, but isn't how the
Model does things because of a past decision not to include bylaws in the Model.
- C12.10.
- C12.11.
- The Congregation Council shall be the board of [trustees] [directors] of this
congregation. It shall have the powers and be subject to
the obligations that pertain to such boards under the laws of the State of ______, except as
otherwise provided herein.
- C12.12.
- The Congregation Council shall have general oversight of the life and
activities of this congregation, and in particular its worship life, to the end that everything be done
in accordance with the Word of God and the faith and practice of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America. The duties of the Congregation Council shall be specified in the bylaws [and continuing
- C12.12.01.
- Lead this congregation in stating its mission, to do long-range planning, to set goals and
priorities, and to evaluate its activities in light of its mission and goals.
- C12.12.02.
- Seek to involve all members of this congregation in worship, learning, witness, service, and
- C12.12.03.
- Oversee and provide for the administration of this congregation to enable it to fulfill its
functions and perform its mission.
- C12.12.04.
- Maintain supportive relationships with the rostered minister(s) and staff and help them
annually to evaluate the fulfillment of their calling or employment.
- C12.12.05.
- Be examples individually and corporately of the style of life and ministry expected of all
baptized persons.
- C12.12.06.
- Promote a congregational climate of peace and goodwill and, as differences and conflicts
arise, to endeavor to foster mutual understanding.
- C12.12.07.
- Arrange for pastoral service during the sickness or absence of the pastor.
- C12.12.08.
- Emphasize support of the synod and churchwide organization of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America as well as cooperation with other congregations, both Lutheran and
non-Lutheran, subject to established policies of the synod and the Evangelical Lutheran Church
in America.
- C12.12.09.
- Recommend and encourage the use of program resources produced or approved by the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America.
- C12.12.11.
- Seek out and encourage qualified persons to prepare for the ministry of the Gospel.
- C12.13.
- The Congregation Council shall be responsible for the financial and property
matters of this congregation, as specified in the bylaws [and continuing resolutions].
- C12.13.01.
- The Congregation Council shall be responsible for maintaining and protecting
this congregation's property and managing this congregation's business and fiscal affairs.
- C12.13.02.
- Congregation Council shall not have the authority to buy, sell, or encumber real property
unless specifically authorized to do so by a meeting of this congregation.
- C12.13.03.
- The Congregation Council may enter into contracts of up to $______ for items not included in
the budget.
- C12.13.04.
- The Congregation Council shall prepare an annual budget for adoption by this congregation, shall
supervise the expenditure of funds in accordance therewith following its adoption, and may incur
obligations of more than $______ in excess of the anticipated receipts only after approval
by a Congregation Meeting. The budget shall include this congregation’s full indicated share in
support of the wider ministry being carried on in collaboration with the synod and churchwide
- C12.13.05.
- The Congregation Council shall ascertain that the financial affairs of this congregation are
being conducted efficiently, giving particular attention to the prompt payment of all
obligations and to the regular forwarding of mission support monies to the synod treasurer.
- C12.13.06.
- The Congregation Council shall be responsible for this congregation’s investments and its total
insurance program.
- C12.14.
- The Congregation Council shall see that the provisions of this constitution[,]
[and] its bylaws[,][and the continuing resolutions] are carried out.
- C12.15.
- The Congregation Council shall provide for an annual review of the membership
- C12.16.
- The Congregation Council shall be responsible for the employment and
supervision of the staff of this congregation. Nothing in this provision shall be deemed to affect this
congregation’s responsibility for the call, terms of call, or termination of call of any employees who
are on a roster of this church.
- C12.17.
- The Congregation Council shall submit a comprehensive report to this
congregation at the annual meeting.
- C12.20.
- C12.21.
- The voting membership of the Congregation Council shall consist of the
pastor(s)[, the deacon(s),][the officers of this congregation,] and [______ members] [not more than
______ nor fewer than
______ members] of
this congregation, at least one of whom shall be a youth and at least one of whom shall be a young
Any voting member of this congregation may be elected, subject only to the limitation on the length of
continuous service permitted in that office.
- C12.22.
- The members of the Congregation Council except the pastor(s) [and deacon(s)]
shall be elected
by written ballot to serve for ______ years or until their successors are elected. Such members shall be
eligible to serve no more than two full terms consecutively. Their terms shall begin at the close of the
annual meeting at which they are elected.
- OR
- The members of the Congregation Council except the pastor(s) [and deacon(s)]
shall be elected
at a legally called meeting of this congregation during the month of ______. Their term of office shall
be for
______ years, with the term of office beginning on ______ (month and day) and ending on ______ (month
and day). Newly elected
Congregation Council members shall be installed at worship at a time appointed by the Congregation
- C12.23.
- A member’s place on the Congregation Council shall be declared vacant if the
member a) ceases to be a voting member of this congregation or b) is absent from four successive regular
meetings of the Congregation Council without cause. Consistent with the laws of the state in which this
congregation is incorporated, this congregation may adopt procedures for the removal of a member of the
Congregation Council in other circumstances.
- C12.24.
- Should a member’s place on the Congregation Council be declared vacant, the
Congregation Council shall elect, by majority vote, a successor until the next annual meeting.
- C12.30.
- C12.31.
- The Congregation Council shall normally meet once a month. Special meetings may
be called by the pastor or the president, and shall be called by the president at the request of at
least one-half of its members. Notice of each special meeting shall be given to all who are entitled to
be present.
- C12.32.
- A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of a majority of the
members of the Congregation Council, including the [senior] pastor or interim pastor, except when the
[senior] pastor or interim pastor requests or consents to be absent and has given prior approval to the
agenda for a particular regular or special meeting, which shall be the only business considered at that
meeting. Chronic or repeated absence of the [senior] pastor or interim pastor who has refused approval
of the agenda of a subsequent regular or special meeting shall not preclude action by the Congregation
Council, following consultation with the synod bishop.
- C12.33.
- The Congregation Council and its committees may hold meetings by remote
communication, including electronically and by telephone conference, as long as there is an opportunity
for simultaneous aural communication or its equivalent. To the extent permitted by state law, notice of
all meetings may be provided electronically.