
Even though membership is important for many reasons, some congregations have found membership a burdensome model. Full Thoughts on Membership

Congregations have begun experimenting with new models of membership. Congregations are obviously not allowed to change the required provisions, but there are certain ways these provisions can be expanded or worked around.

Additional Categories of Membership

Some congregations have been allowed to add a new category of membership, such as the following:

This congregation acknowledges this additional member classification:
Participating Member. A participating member is anyone who participates in the liturgical and sacramental life of this congregation and has shown their love for this congregation through prayer, work, and generosity.


Some congregations have sought to create a discipleship model instead of a membership model. Solutions could be as simple as redefining the term "member" (members are also known as disciples) or building a whole new framework.

The following example continues to support membership as the primary model, but allows the unbaptized a role within the congregation. Such a model could be expanded in other parts of the constitution, for example allowing a couple disciples to serve advisory roles on the Congregation Council.

Disciples are any persons who are not members of this congregation but have participated in the life and activities of this congregation within the current or previous calendar year. Discipleship does not constitute membership.
It will be the privilege and duties of disciples of this congregation to:
live a Christian life in accordance with the Word of God and the teachings of the Lutheran church;
support the work of this congregation, the synod, and the churchwide organization of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America through contributions of their time, abilities, and financial support as biblical stewards; and
have voice but not vote at every regular meeting of the congregation.