Types of Membership

Do I belong here?

A Brief Summary of Membership

Membership is currently one of the most highly debated issues in the Model Constitution. This is due to a shifting reality in our culture where people are generally not formally joining organizations anymore.

This page will not get into that debate. Offered elsewhere on this site are thoughts on membership and examples of adjusted membership models that are possible within the current framework.

Offered here is a summary of membership as described in the Model Constitution.

Type of Member Qualification Notes
Baptized Infant or Youth Baptism What happens when unconfirmed baptized youth become adults?
Confirmed Confirmation or Adult Baptism Must be approved by the Congregation Council
Voting Any confirmed member who communes and contributes This is an automatic category
Every confirmed member is potentially a voting member
Associate Member of another congregation Various circumstances may encourage the use of this category (e.g. extended relocations for work)
Seasonal Mostly for resort communities and other such locations Must be approved by the Congregation Council
Has to be allowed by the Synod Council first
Currently only available to members of other ELCA congregations

Privileges and Duties

Every member, no matter the type, is expected to do certain things and live a certain way, in accordance with *C8.04. This includes:

That's no small list. How often are the members reminded of these items?